Christy Carroll
Christy Carroll
Job title: Design Lead, Watson Education
Years working in the tech industry: 4 in tech exclusively; previously, almost 20 years in digital design.
On the opportunities for career advancement for women in tech, and whether those opportunities are increasing:
I hear a lot more discussion about it than ever before, but things still look real white and male above the middle management level. As an industry we need to work harder to support women — particularly women of color — as they progress toward senior leadership positions.
On whether pressure in public life is exeerting change in work culture and opportunities for women:
I see signs of it here and there, but I think there’s still a lack of awareness among men in the industry as to how the deck is stacked in their favor.
“I hear a lot more discussion about it than ever before, but things still look real white and male above the middle management level. As an industry we need to work harder to support women — particularly women of color — as they progress toward senior leadership positions.”
On how women can contribute to lasting change in sexual politics in the tech industry:
Keep being vocal — even (especially) when it’s uncomfortable. But the onus isn’t all on us! We need men (well, and ALL women) to understand what an inclusive culture looks like, and how they can play a part in building it.
On one book you’d recommend to every tech CEO, Senior Executive and entrepreneur in America:
Technically Wrong: Sexist Apps, Biased Algorithms, and Other Threats of Toxic Tech, by Sara Wachter-Boettcher.
There’s a really troubling lack of attention being paid to the ethics of technology, particularly in leadership. Every person who builds (and sells) digital products is accountable for the way they ultimately shape culture, and this book sheds light on the many ways we’re failing to do that, and how we can do better.